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Harnessing the Power of the Vagus Nerve

  • Vitae Wellness Solutions LLC (map)

Presenter: Mark J. Tager, MD

There is a new syndrome sweeping our country, driving clients and patients to come see practitioners. It is the extreme sympathetic nervous system dominance creating legions of “wired and tired” people. This over-stimulation is responsible for robbing sleep, disturbing calm, and interrupting focus. It also fuels the flames of inflammation.*

There is an antidote to this problem. Its roots lie in restoring vagal tone. The vagus nerve, the Xth cranial, is the longest nerve in the body. It is responsible for the autonomic regulation associated with “rest and digest.” Today we realize that we can stimulate the vagus and put its beneficial regulation to work several ways. These include lifestyle modifications, supplements including herbs and botanicals; and consumer devices that conveniently and safely provide gentle electrical stimulation.* 

By attending this engaging webinar, you will:
• Review the anatomy and physiology of the vagus nerve
• Become acquainted with lifestyle hacks for developing vagal tone
• Understand how selected minerals, herbs, and botanicals work via the vagus nerve to downregulate inflammation and promote calm and focus.
• Learn why and how non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation can impact focus, relaxation, and sleep.
• Become introduced to a synergistic protocol for ameliorating “vagus insufficiency”, thus promoting health and vitality.*

This webinar is for healthcare professionals and students only.

To register, CLICK HERE. Select register, enter your information, and then select submit.

The webinar will be held 4-5 pm EDT.

CE Information - This webinar is pending approval for the following:
• 1.0 credit of Naturopathic Continuing Education by The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians for NDs.

Please see details on the webinar registration page regarding receipt of CE credit. Eligible for those on the live event only.